
Showing posts from March, 2021

Posing Hard Bodies with Vertex Group Parents

As my patrons have seen, I've been working on a proxy model for the Lurker Mindsnipper monster lately.  I had thought that I'd have a good head start on the model, with the intent of remixing my original Lurker model into this new monster... but that didn't really work out.  When I made that model, I wasn't really practicing many techniques to improve model modularity or reusability, so I pretty much remade it from the ground up.  But, that gave me a chance to learn this cool technique that I want to write about today! Vertex Group Parenting is a technique where an object is parented to a set of vertices, instead of another object.  I use object parenting extensively in my modelling process , where one object's location and rotation is locked to another object.  I most often do this for limbs, so that when I do something like moving the torso, the arms follow it.  Vertex Group Parenting does this same basic thing, except that you pick a set of 3 vertices ...