Tweaking Support Pads for FDM Printing
When running an SLA print, the standard practice is to use a Pad, which is basically a few solid layers of very well cured resin, then have the model suspended above it on trees. This solid pad helps ensure bed adhesion, and probably does some other important functions that I haven't even considered... but we don't necessarily need it if we're doing an FDM print. In fact, if our model has a flat bottom, it can be really nice to have it directly on the print bed instead of floating above it! Fortunately, we can tweak the support pad in order to behave in exactly this way! The first thing that you'll want to do is open PrusaSlicer (with an SLA printer selected), then go to Print Settings tab and open the Pad section. Start out by enabling the Pad Around Object option. That will enable the basic "halo pad" but we're going to want to tweak a few of these other settings for our FDM printers. The first one is the Pad Wall Thickness ....