Support Head Diameter in PrusaSlicer

Hi everyone, this is going to be a short and quick post.  As you've seen, I've been playing around with support trees in .3mf files.  Specifically, I've been using them as a solution to design a set of supports that will work for anything from SLA printers to FDM printers with a .4 mm nozzle, and I feel like I've made a lot of progress!

I learned something new this morning though, which is important to be aware of when changing from FDM to SLA settings (or the other way).  While most details of the support tree settings (diameter, angle, etc.) are respected when you regenerate trees, the actual Support Head Diameter setting is not.  This setting is not changed because PrusaSlicer stores that value per support head, which gives you a ton of ability to fine-tune supports by shrinking or growing individual heads as needed... but it does make it a little more difficult to take a .3MF file that was designed with FDM support trees and change it over to work with SLA support trees.

Fortunately, it's really easy to change this!  If you go into the Support Points -> Manual Editing mode, you can select a point and then adjust its Head Diameter setting via the slider bar.  What do you do if you want to adjust all of the points?  Just hit ctrl-A to select them all!  Then, when you adjust that setting, it'll change all of the support heads to meet your current printing needs!

P.S. I'm currently using .4 mm heads for my SLA prints (the default) and .8 mm heads for my FDM prints.  I've been watching some of 3D Printing Pro's videos lately though, and he uses super thin support heads, so I'm going to try shrinking them down a bit in future prints.


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