Manipulating Modifiers on Many Meshes

I like to work with many distinct meshes when I'm making a model in Blender.  Because of this workflow, I often find myself needing to add the Decimate modifier to tons of objects at once.  You can use the shift-r shortcut to redo whatever your most recent action was, which is convenient if you're trying to put the same modifier on a few objects... but if you need to put it on 20 objects and need to set a value for each one, it gets a bit old.  Fortunately, there's a better way!

All you need to do is set up your modifier stack on one of the objects, then select them all via shift-click.  Click once more on the object that's fully modified, then hit ctrl-l and under Make Links select Modifiers.  This will copy all of those modifiers, fully configured, onto every selected object!  What do you do if you want to remove (not apply, but actually remove) modifiers from all of the objects?  Just remove the modifiers from one of them and use the same trick!

Nice and simple =)


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